How do I register for camp?
To register for Camp Kehilla, simply click here and follow the prompts. If your child is a returning camper, their information should already be stored. All you have to do is simply confirm that the information is correct, and update anything that has changed. You are entitled to our Early Bird discount if you register and pay in full by Monday, October 9, 2023. Through the generosity of our donors, financial assistance, and/or payment plans are available for those who need it.
Does my child need an assessment/reassessment?
Every new camper must have an in-person assessment, and every returning camper must have a reassessment. The assessment for new campers provides us with an opportunity to meet you and your camper(s) to see first-hand how we can best support your child throughout the summer. The reassessment process for returning campers allows us to see how we can continue to best meet your camper’s needs for another successful summer.
What is your refund policy?
Below is our refund policy as of today.
Should a family decide to cancel on their own, all normal cancellation policies will apply:
Deposits of $500 per camper are fully refundable through June 1, 2024
If Camp Kehilla is not the best fit for your child, you will receive a full refund for the days not attended.
Do you accept payment from Self-Direction?
Yes, self-direction will reimburse for Camp Kehilla. The process is as follows:
Families must pay for the total amount for camp prior to June 1. If the amount poses a challenge, we offer payment plans. Please contact us for more information.
Since Self-Direction bills are based on attendance, Camp Kehilla will submit the participant’s dates of attendance to their specific agency after their last day.
Their agency would then reimburse them directly after that.
What if I need an extra week of camp at the end of the summer?
Families in need of additional respite at the end of the camp season should look into Post Camp 2024. If you are interested in a ninth week of services after the last week of camp, you may now register right on CampMinder along with your 2-8 week summer sessions.
Do we offer aftercare?
We offer Kehilla after-school mini-camp for Kehilla Youth and Teens. After-school provides opportunities for participants to engage with their peers in age-appropriate group activities, including dance with KerBoom Kidz, science with The Science Museum of Long Island, music with Once Upon a Song, exercise with HOPE fitness, art, sports, and social skills building.
*Camp Kehilla will provide busing from HKC to SJJCC. Families will have to provide transportation from SJJCC.
*OPWDD and Fee for Service are both available.